Animal Pocket
This animal pocket is as unique as each student who makes it! Post the pockets within student reach and encourage children to write and deliver positive messages to their classmates.
- Westcott 5” Kids scissors
- 1 1/2 paper plates
- 2" x 8" construction paper rectangle
- construction paper
- construction paper scraps
- craft materials
- stapler
- glue
- markers or crayons
Brought to you by Westcott – The World’s Favorite Scissors
Step 1
Color the front of the whole plate and the back of the half plate to match the color of your animal. Then staple them together to form a pocket.
Step 2
Cut and glue the construction paper and construction paper scraps to make an animal face on the pocket. For example, to make a dog, cut out tracings of your hands (fingers closed) to make ears, trim pipe cleaners or rickrack for whiskers, and cut scraps to make eyes and a nose.
Step 3
Write your name on the rectangle and post it by your animal pocket. As other students complete their pockets, begin writing positive notes and slipping them inside.
Adult supervision is recommended when children use scissors.
Acme United Corporation. Text and design by The Education Center, Inc.®